Do You Know These Things About Hair Transplant Aftercare?

We need to understand that a transplant surgery performed to grow hair back on a bald head again is a major medical procedure that needs to be done by an experienced surgeon at a renowned clinic.

There are multiple things that we need to take care of before and after any surgical procedure. In hair transplant treatment, aftercare process is quite crucial for any patient. So, let’s discuss a few important things connected with FUT (follicular unit transplant) surgery aftercare process.

Hair transplant aftercare is a vital topic that the patients who had a surgery must know and follow without any error.

Every single patient who had a transplant surgery by utilising a strip method, then for the most part it will leave the clinic with a bandage tied to his/her head. However, we need to keep in mind that the bandage is utilised just to help the recently closed donor area on the back of the scalp.

Patients are given medicines to manage the pain for the initial couple of days after the treatment. The main night after transplant surgery, you need to be extra cautious and don’t rub or scratch the transplanted region. It is suggested that all patients relax for the first few days and stay away from overwhelming physical activities.

Patients have to return for doctor assessment and hair wash the day after surgical operation. Amid this first visit, the bandage is expelled and donor area cuts and the transplanted area are evaluated. The donor and beneficiary regions should be washed properly while instructing the patient how to wash it at home on day two to four after restoration procedure.

After the surgery, hair wash should be done twice every day with a special strategy to limit the likelihood of dislodging the unions/grafts. Many patients often inquire as to whether they can skip washing hair inside the initial couple of days to abstain from harming the unions. The appropriate response is absolutely not. Hair wash is an important step in hair transplant care that ensures the usual development of the transplanted hair follicular grafts/unions.

After hair transplant in India, surgeons recommend a couple of limitations in patient’s physical activities. A few clinics suggest exceptionally strict guidelines for physical exercises. It is better that patient keeps his ordinary, everyday exercises with some minor restrictions.

The exercises that add pressure on the operated area edges at the donor zone need to be avoided for the initial month after surgery. Some of those exercises are:

Heavy weightlifting
Excess bending of the neck.

Top hair transplant surgeons in India recommend that patients should stay away from direct sun exposure to the beneficiary area for around a half year after FUT (follicular unit transplant) surgery. Grafts/unions may get damaged because of direct and extreme sun exposure.